So you had already gotten a hint this Friday about today's post, but you really couldn't guess how awesome it would get. Well, I couldn't either for that fact. Because just last Monday I received this message: "
I think we should both making this in real time together over skype. Wouldn't that be fun?". Can you follow? No? I couldn't either.
- What in real time together? I'm confused^^
- like we both do it together...not take pictures of it that we both did it (not at same time)
- But do what? haha
- MAKE the pie!! (Oh we were talking about a pie!! We're getting closer...)
- I think I'm missing out on important information ^^
- OH crap I never copied the link hahaha
Ha. I knew there was one important point missing. And because I don't want to be mean, that was the link that got forgotten about the excitement of actually making it:
neverhomemaker's Chocolate Lime Pie.
OMG! That pie looked delicious!
Here's the point. The person I was writing with didn't live in Germany. She doesn't even live in Europe come to say so. She lives in North America. Canada that is. Nine hours time difference to be absolutely accurate. But because we were both crazy enough (and we both love pie. Vegan chocolate lime pie! (I had to say that again!!)) We set up a Skype date for 10pm Saturday her time and 7am Sunday my time.
Somehow this 7am didn't really make it into my mind
I'm simply horrible in math though and until the very moment I was looking at my computer watch (It's still running on Canadian time) I didn't realize it would be 7am for me. At that point I was already dressed in my kitchen at 6(!)am. So I woke up a bit earlier than necessary but oh well.
Back to talking pie. I have do admit I was in love with that pie the moment I saw the picture. That was, until I read the ingredient list. Because this one said: Tofu. Like in...well...tofu.
Tofu |
Somehow I'm a bit old fashioned when it comes to "hearty" ingredients in sweet things. They just don't belong there for me. I need eggs and sugar and butter. (And it might also have to do with the fact that the only time I ever used something not-supposed-to-be-in-a-dessert item, sort of stuck with friends
love to remind me of my pea-cupcakes haha). So I wasn't too sure on how I felt about it but I would give it a try anyway. 7am on a Sunday morning.
If you want to follow me you'll need:
Recipe from
For the crust
- 1 cup almonds
- 1 cup walnuts (though I didn't have walnuts and just used 2 cups of almonds)
- 1 cup pretzels
- 1/4 cup maple syrup (I used a bit more because my crust just stayed really dry. Though my friends crust was rather too moist with the 1/4 cup. So you might have to see)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 3 Tablsp. butter (the original recipe asked for Earth Balance)
- 1/3 cup cocoa powder
It's actually pretty easy. Just put all the ingredients into your food processor and mix. I started with my almonds since they were going to be the "hardest" part. Oh, and my food processor is to small. Duh.
After you're done mixing, fill it in your pie pan. We both had a bit too much of our crust but we just kept it. (That stuff is seriously good!!)
Happy skypers |
Pretzel, butter, almond goodness |
For the filling
- 1 block (extra firm) tofu (our store just had one kind of tofu so I went with it. I just made sure to squeeze as much liquid as possible out, before I used it)
- 1/3 cup cocoa powder
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup maple syrup (I used more, again)
- 1/4 cup lime juice (we both used a bit more)
Too small. Haha. This is the tofu by the way. Looks like chocolate truffles.... |
I also added 2 Tablespoons cream cheese at the end since my filling wasn't as light in color as it looked on her pictures. And I also needed something to balance the "tofu taste" (which shoecked me a bit at first). This however, is optional (and sort of takes the vegan part...but I had already used utter so I didn't mind anymore. I'm not vegan).
Put all the ingredients into your food processor and process until creamy. Fill into your pie pan and cover with a few crushed pretzel pieces. You're done!!!
TWO pies made together in "real" time ;) |
I kept telling my friend that my kitchen was a total mess. Here's the proof that it was a total mess! I cleaned it up though ;) |
Soooo...I had made a pie with tofu. And it looked amazing. I have to admit the first piece was rather... interesting. It's not what you're expecting if you're not used to it. The tofu "taste" is still quite dominant. But, however, by the end of the day 1/4 of the pie was gone just on my account! So I guess I liked it. And it's super filling. AND it's healthy. So you don't feel bad about wanting to have a second piece.
AND....I'll show you tomorrow on how to take this pie to a whole new level which makes it like I-want-to-sit-in-this awesome!! (By now there are about two small pieces left. And it was just my mum and me. Ops)
But if you're open minded (and especially after tomorrow) you should definitely make this pie (also because it's super quick...if your food processor is big enough that is!)
Ok. It IS quite awesome!! |
My first taste test piece |
I wish you all a good start into your new week!!