I haven't been on my blog for ages, I know! And to be a 100% honest, I was just hoping by having kind of an sentimental look at all that had happened and what I had wrote, when I suddenly stumbled upon a couple of comments! Like. Real life comments. Ok so, most of the time writing here feels a bit lonely. It is this, a bit, one sided kind of conversation I seem to have with myself. But when I saw those comments, I was seriously baffled. Seeing that someone actually goes through the things I write and....likes them? I know I shouldn't doubt myself as much as it sounds I do right now, but we are all humans right?! ;) This whole self-doubt-things seems to be quite a thing.
Anyways, so as to a few other requests of friends lately, I might just bring on a few updates on this small space of mine. And a little DIY-Inspiration for you at the end if you make it through this post ;)
Before this all gets too sunny, shiny and all kinds of emotional, let me just give a short burst of complaint:
SERIOUSLY? Who ever said that those uni years were the best of your life?! Seriously? I have no nada niente time and also seem to have a decreasing social life where I actually start to count a lunch conversation as a social activity! Like: "Give yourself a pad on the shoulder! You were social today!"-kind of. Gnhhh.
Ok. Back to an a bit more optimistic approached. What have you guys been missing out on?
The last pictures of my last post (so many lasts, whups!) show Augsburg in full bloom....by now we have went on to achieve the rain forest state. Literally. It is rainy and grey most of the time and things just are green! But I'm really loving this. Before that though, we had some really amazing sunny and warm weather! (Open windows in the whole apartment kind of warm!) |
Though....that's what my life has been like. No change what so ever.... |
Though I have to admit that studying at uni like this had its perks |
Than, somewhere in the middle of this all, this cute girl came to visit me!!! Two years since the last time we saw each other. Talk of crazy facts!!! (This is us, btw, following our absolute, infinite and crazy love for everything printed...also known as books) |
But, we do not just love books...we also both love to be creative, so I had no trouble at all to convince her that a lazy creative and talkative day was all we two needed. Also: I finished my tattoo extension design!!! Though, until the actual "due" day, the design will be kept a secret here on the Internet ;) |
Of course, there was some sightseeing of our beautiful little city included... |
And one crazy pizza night....can you see me and that pizza? I ate it all! Tschaka! |
Also, I got a job again last month. So I'm back to being a waitress. This was me having a quick lunch in between courses and work |
Guess who was hanging up stuff around campus ;) |
I also got all my diaries, schedules, notebooks and what else there is I have been filling the last couple of years organised. Whozza! I really need to stop doing that or find a bigger apartment to fill them with one day. Though I also have to admit, it's fun to look at them. That was my week at Paris right after I graduated high school (Goofy girl) |
To remind me why exactly I'm making my life extra stressful... |
And that is one of our more crazy classes....can you tell. Great board work, really. |
Btw, what was wrong back than, when math used to include numbers?! Not that I liked it much more, but honestly....this? |
I also tried Yoga outdoors (which I loved), my hair is noticeably growing longer (well, noticeable to me), I died it again...darker and I started watching Grey's Anatomy which I Love (capital L love that is!) though I haven't given up my love for Game of Thrones either of course ;)
And that's it. We're nearly at the end, which brings us to a little idea I thought I might just share with you, since we are dumping all kind of news and updates here anyway.
So, since I wasn't blogging so much lately, but I still had to keep a record of my food (and find an outlet of my crazy love of taking pictures of food), this is what happened:
A friend of mine gave me a little recipe book as a present, after a few little makeovers this is what we ended up with. And I'm loving it!
Mainly: I cut out and renamed a few sections I thought were unnecessary (like "meat"...which got changed to "mains"...btw note: "mains" can of course include things for meat. I'm simply pretty sure that I would have never filled a section with "meat"). I changed the cover and back by simply adding photos I had printed and applied them with masking tape.
And than I filled it (and am in the process of, for the next years) with recipes...and pictures, and scribbles and more masking tape of course ;)
What do you think? It is a bit like a portable food blog on paper!!
So that's me with a crazy amount of updates. Now I'm going to focus on my much neglected amount of uni-work and wish you all a wonderful start into the week!!
...oh and I'll try to be a bit more active around here, though we all know how much a students promise is worth these days ;P