Friday 8 November 2013

My room {An update and DIY!}

I'm just in between my early lunch (muesli. Sorry. It's one of those days) and getting my laundry up as well as heading to university right after that. Phew. Thursdays are my productive days...and my math days (which kind of gives every Thursday an underlining threat....but I'm determined to not give up!).
And because I haven't really figured out a way to organise all of my upcoming food posts, we'll go with a little update from my room first (and seriously, I had that planned for two weeks now, so it might just be the time for that as well!)
Well, that was yesterday. Today I'm all sore and beaten up from my martial arts training (but it sure is fun!!) and just about to start with my Portuguese. (After I cleaned up the room and the kitchen. AND! had the first coffee with my extraordinary amazing coffee machine!!!)

And because I know you're all just as stoked about that as I is even a little video about it! Ha!
(This can also be found on my instagram account)

And now, look at this beauty of a first coffee (and that cute anthropology mug!!! Still in love with it)!

Ok. Now since we have cleared that, I actually have something else to talk about.
As promised my room would change quite a bit after my first update all the way back when I moved in here.
So now, even though they are still going to be smaller changes, I feel pretty confident that this is "my" room for the next time. And because I'm such a nice person (over enthusiastic cough) I'm not just going to share my coffee with you, but also this little room update ;) (careful photo overload!):

The general "first" impression
Lots and lots of greens...but the amount is probably only cause by my knowledge that in two month...only half of it will still be there. My and my so not green thumb. Sight.
I printed some of the prints from my pinterest board (this one) in exchange for some of the picture, which got removed. I really like this one! (Link
The inspiration for that "stick lamp" comes from the "COUCH" magazine (which I love!) If you would write a tutorial for it, it would pretty much be: Grab a stick from the woods, carry it home, wrap your lamp around it. And you're done!!!! (well, the really weird part is carrying those sticks out of the wood and home. You should have seen the stares I got. Haha, well I guess I don't mind breaking up their daily boring routine a bit ;) )
BUT, I also used the "stick method" to create a holder for my mirror! Remember how I mentioned that my wall is solid concrete? Well, it turned out that the self-adhesive hooks I bought couldn't really handle what I wanted them to handle, and since I still don't own or am capable of using (though that might be up to discussion) a power drill, I needed to find a different solution.
For the stick-mirror: Simply drill two holes into your sticks (at the height of where you want to hang your mirror). Insert two hooks (one for each stick). And now, (my mirror has a wire strand at its back, if you don't have one, apply one) and hang the mirror on! They'll lean pretty stable by themselves on your wall, though I'm sure you'll be able to somehow come up with an idea how to make that even more secure ( case you can drill holes and hooks into your wall that is. I'm fine with what I have now ;) ).
I like F's....friends, family, food, France, fun, favourite, fearless....

It feels more and more like home. And with that I'm off to learn more Portuguese words and head into an amazing weekend afterwards, seeing one of my best best best best friends for the first time after my move. Yay! ;D

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