Sunday 19 May 2013

A {much needed} update

Somehow blogging comes a bit short right now, with everything that has been going on recently (uh I know. Lame excuses). Anyway, so before heading into a hopefully more productive week (we'll just cross out the last week entirely considering productivity) I wanted to give my instagram addiction a thumbs up a tiny round-up of the last couple of days.
(Oh, and my camera is still on its way somewhere else so more grainy, blurry phone pictures ;) )

Say "hello" to my new key protector: Pascal, walking with my brothers, walking by myself
More sunset walks, nervous water color doodles, an over-joyful brother who is happy to keep on having to pose for his sisters phone picture worries, it took all his strength to not burst into a huge grin ;)
New greens, greens for me, sweets for others
Flowers at my friends place part 1
Sick kitten care
Coffee plans, new sunglasses, more planning...theoretically
Flowers at my friends place part 2
My mums studio (aka the current cat-place), greens and train schedules
Is it just me or is it normal that sometimes, those days turn into a week...anyway. I hope we're getting better around here.

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