Wednesday 1 May 2013

One big messy post {And a Thank you}

I caught for you, a piece of the sky
Today's post is random (and I sort of have to use all my ten fingers to type it since my cat moved to a position in my arm where I can't use them in any other way as the way they are right now....a cats persons problems) but lately there have been so many things happening in my life, I felt like I needed to express my gratitude and thanks. And my confusion. And sometimes just how crazy and messy life can be.

I had returned from India a bit earlier than I had planned beforehand and coming back, my life seemed to be quite a huge gigantic mess. I struggled rather hard and at this point, I want to thank all my closest friends who were there to either give me a skype prep talk, or walk endless field walks to listen to my confused and hurt talks or simply hold me when I felt like crying. And I did feel a lot like crying. Phew.

A city-alone-trip to get a bit time off
Stalking people who are stalking other people

I eventually started to hold it together and moved on. I looked for jobs, went for interviews, had test working days and ended up  the next month with one new job, a new babysitter family, an internship, new and polished study dreams and a vague concept of another idea. Though my life definitely kept me busy now and I'd stopped being that awful of a mess, a lot of it was still pretending. Or maybe I just stopped listening to it? Whatever.

And than things started to change. Slowly but continually. At my job, I felt so lucky through all the people I was working with and which were just awesome. At my internship I would turn up all low and rather depressed in the morning and leave, filled with joy and enthusiasm after seeing how much those kids excepted and liked me (and not just the kids!). And at the end I received a question and offer to stay and work there. (I. am. 100%. thankful and humbled. So happy!).
And my rather vague idea of becoming an ESL teacher will also come true in no more than three month!!

Thankful for a huge amount of flowers I got recently. From little girls, who are squeeling "Johanniiiiiii" that is.
And those sunglasses are about the only pink thing I own. I don't like pink. However little squeeling girls love it. Thankful for a calender filled with a certain little girls drawings.
During the last four month I also had a lot of time to get to know myself a bit closer. It's always like that. You're down: You're going to get to know yourself better!
And while having a really hard time with some parts of my family, I think even that is in work with progress now.
And to give the whole thing an unbelievable touch and finish: I'll be going back to Vancouver this summer! Which I never ever dreamed of, to become true. Never. Ever.

Thankful for favorite clothes, funny messy plants, coffee, little girls on my back and hands that hold on tight, flowers/colors/sun
Right now, everything feels like too much to take in. I faced so many new, scary, ugly, unknown things the last month. I felt so down. I grew so much. And the change came so quick both times. Right now I just feel truly truly blessed and happy.
Blessed with amazing friends.
Blessed with an amazing family which I got to know so much better in this time.
And blessed with so many other amazing people around me (and even here in the blog world! People I never met before!), that with today's post I probably just wanted to say: Thank you so much!!!

Thankful for breath taking evening walks
Thankful for bagel-talks
(And sorry to everyone who received rather...uhm...messy messages yesterday (or "talked" to me in person ;) It's all my mums fault ;P)

And I'll leave you with my absolute favorite song right now:


  1. So schön zu lesen! <3 Ich freue mich für dich! Irgendwie muss ich ja bei Kanada immer an die Simpsons denken, wenn Ralph die Hymne singt "Oooooh Kanada" XD Weiß nicht ob du's kennst :D

    Und OH MEIN GOTT, wie ich dieses Lied liebe! *_____* <333

    Liebste Grüße!

    1. Haha ich liebe die Simpsons!!! (also ja, ich kenne bart wie er das lied singt. Der Witz ist dass wir es uns zusammen in Kanada in der Schule angeschaut haben. Haha unsere lehrerin meinte es sein schon fast eine ehre wenn man von den simpsons ver...ähm...äppelt wird :P)
      (haha ich muss übrigens einfach immer an bart denken wie er den Frosch in Australien ausgesetzt hat xD)
      Wahh du kennst das Lied??? NIEMAND kennt es!!

      Aller liebeste Grüße zurück ;P

  2. Great to hear you'll go back to Vancouver.:))

    1. Aww thanks. I know! I'm stoked (aka I still really really can't believe it). And I hope that this stay will answer a lot of questions for me. So excited how it will turn out! :)
      ♥ Jo

      btw: You're pictures of glasgow right now are really really beautiful!! Hope you're ok?!
